When using your Mastercard Credit, Mastercard Debit, Mastercard Prepaid or Maestro card issued abroad for purchases in Argentina, you are eligible for an exchange rate exclusive to tourists travelling to Argentina.
Purchases made on foreign cards use a rate close to the “MEP” (Mercado Electrónico de Pagos) dollar’s one, which is usually preferential to the official. This exchange rate is communicated by the Argentine Chamber of Credit Cards (ATACYC) daily and is subject to variations every day.
Tourists can benefit from this preferential exchange rate when using their Mastercard for purchases in Argentina.
You can check the daily exchange rate at https://www.mastercard.com.ar/es-ar/consumidores/soporte/convertidor-moneda.html
This benefit is available for purchases made from December 2, 2022, and does not have an expiration date.
For security and data protection reasons, your bank or card issuer handles all aspects related to your account and account statement, within the times permitted by their operational capabilities. We advise you to contact that entity to make any inquiries.